It’s been a hot couple of days. Like too hot for us up north. Tomorrow’s to bring rain, and lower temperatures, so maybe I’ll bake that bread?

I have a week and a few days left of my summer holiday, and even though it’s been a long holiday I don’t want it to end. Nor do I want summer to end. I love (LOVE!) summer.

The light, the warmth, the colours, the long days full of nothing or everything…

I know I’m getting ahead of myself here: but I’m not looking forward to late autumn and winter. Too dark and dreary and full of depressed emotions. Ugh.

I’ve written rather a lot the last month or so. Not editing my novel, but writing on another WIP. It’s over 36.000 words now and I’m really liking where it’s heading.

I am going to edit my novel, too. But I need to get my shit together and work past a troublesome part in that story. Or. Maybe I’ll skip that and leave for later?

There’s sooo much novel left to edit and a few paragraphs shouldn’t deter me from finishing it. I am determined. I shall!

I had a skin checkup at the hospital a couple weeks ago. Everything was fine, but there’s one mole on my back that’s grown. It’s supposed to mature and stop growing, but my doctor wants me to come back in September to make sure it actually does stop. If not, she’ll remove it.

I’m glad things are looking alright, but I do hate that I have to go back every 6 (well, 3 now) months.

It would be awesome if I could shed my skin and get a new, mole free, version. I’m ridiculously jealous of people who seem to have no moles at all. Like, whatever did you do to get blessed with perfection?

Anyhow, I’ve replayed Dragon Age Origins (on Awakening now) and it’s such a good game. I’m looking forward to playing Dragon Age 2 later on. The whole series is just plain brilliant.

But now I’m putting the horde to bed and then we might continue rewatching Stranger Things, season 2. Also really good stuff.
